Saturday, August 12, 2006

Hello Again! Long time no talk to! Yes since my last post I have been extremely sick with some kind of cold. Due to this, i really did not have the energy to post on this blog. Well, to catch you all up to what has been happening, on Friday I student taught our class. We had to either make up a language or do a language class on a language that the class did not know, so i decided to have fun with this project and do informal english. You know the Enlgish that 98% of Americans know and can understand and interpret, but if English is not your native tongue, you will be lost.
Needless to say I did relatively well, I got a lot of laughs and claps etc. It was quite interactive, I wanted it that way. Its on video tape, so hopefully if i get the video file I will post it so you can see me student teach!!!

On Friday night all the Meiguos went to Bar Street to hang out and get some more taste of the Zhuhai nightlife. (NO THE TYPHOON DID NOT HIT ZHUHAI)

We had a good time, hung out and listened to the Chinese Techno. We went to this one club called "Today" which basically had a bunch of Thugs and like no commoners, it was kind of hilarious. We left out of there like 10 minutes after walking in. Then we ran into the other TEFL students in our class, apparently they went skinny dipping in the ocean...if you saw the coastal water, you would never even touch it long swim in it. (Its brown, ide rather swim in the Chicago joke)

Ok, knock on wood.... I have not had ONE roach in my room. But dear GOD are they everywhere in our hallway outside of our apartment. These arent just "roaches" Im talking about roaches the size of my fist...if i catch one i will take a photo, its awful. I got some fogger grenades from the states just in case one of those lil foolz decide to be bold and roll in my apt! If they do its ON!

I would like to also take a brief moment to thank Sprite for its wonderful taste over here. Sprite and Coke taste waaaayy better over seas than in the states, which makes absolutely no sense since its like our product. But i think its because we use corn syrup as a sweetener and other countries actually use sugar. We use Corn Syrup to support American Corn Growers, arent we just so patriotic...
Today is Sunday, we are going to the mountain by cable fun... I will get you all pictures when we get back...


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